
Covid-19: Its Impacts to Taxation

Wednesday, March 18 2020 | TAXATION


In light of the current Covid-19 outbreak, the Directorate-General of Taxation has decided various regulation relating to periodical tax payers activities as follows:

  1. The Directorate-General of Taxation suspended face-to-face taxation services, as offered at tax offices all around Indonesia. However, the Value Added Tax (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai/PPN) refund services offered at airports will remain available with certain limitations.
  2. Taxpayers shall report their Tax Returns (SPT) or Periodic Tax Returns (SPT Masa) via the various electronic reporting facilities (e-filing/e-forms) available at pajak.go.id, while SPT Masa can also be submitted via registered mail. Meanwhile, consultations with account representatives can be completed via telephone, mail, chat applications or other methods of online communication.
  3. Personal taxpayer reporting and payment deadlines will be relaxed in relation to 2019’s Annual Tax Returns (SPT Tahunan). A new deadline of 30 April has now been set and reports and payments submitted before this deadline will not be subject to any sanctions.
  4. Applications for Taxpayer Identification Numbers (NPWP) may be completed via: https://ereg.pajak.go.id. Furthermore, activation and services relating to Electronic Filing Identification Numbers (EFIN) may be undertaken via:  pajak.go.id/unit-kerjaor via telephone, email and the social-media pages of tax offices.

For further inquiries and assistance relating to taxation, do not hesitate to contact our associate specializing in taxation law, Ms. Anita Mihardja ([email protected] or [email protected])

Source  : 'Direct Taxation Services Suspended Amid Covid-19 Outbreaks', Indonesian Legal Brief, 16 March 2020, Accessed 17 March 2020, (www.hukumonline.com).


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