Developing a business to be well known is not an easy task. It is complicated indeed. Even when you have a good product or service, you still need to make people recognize yours. Eventually, for recognition purpose, you will develop your own brand so everyone could distinguish your product or service from your competitor. However,your brand or the image of your brand should not be regarded merely as a name, image, design, slogan or an easily remembered picture. Your brand is a result of a carefully crafted personality profile of your product or service that has or will gain distinctiveness and reputation through years of use. Its distinctiveness requires recognition but it deserves protection more.
Indonesian Law has regulated the protection of trademark under the Law Number 20 of 2016 on Trademark and Geographic Indication. Registration of trademark in Indonesia now includes protection for images, logos, names, words, letters, numbers, compilation of colours, in forms of two and/or three dimensions, sound, holograms, or combination of two or more of the above elements, that may differentiate goods and/or services produced by a person or company in its business activities. A registered trademark will obtain protection, hence protecting your brands from any infringement.
This month, we have successfully delivered 127 Certificates of Trademark issued by the government to our client. As for now, the awareness of companies on trademark protection is significantly increased. We ensure to provide top-notch services regarding your precious trademark. We provide services of trademark registration and protection around the globe. We have successfully registered trademarks for domestic and international clients in Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, China, Japan, Australia, Europe, Africa, the United States of America, and many more. If you need to register your trademark in Indonesia or in other countries, we are ready to professionally help you. Do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].