
Minister of Environment and Forestry Delegates BKPM to Issue Licenses

Friday, February 28 2020 | LICENSE


As of 5 February 2020, the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal - "BKPM") will be acting for and on behalf of the Minister of Environment and Forestry ("Minister") to issue 52 (fifty two) environment and forestry business licenses and commercial/operational licenses. This delegation is addressed under Regulation No. P.6/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/1/2020 on the  Delegation of Authority for the Issuance of Business Licenses within the Environment and Forestry Sector to the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board ("Regulation 6/2020").

Along with the delegation of license issuance, Minister has also appointed intermediary officials for placement at the BKPM, which will be responsible for:

  1. Provision of consultation services related to business licensing;
  2. Receipt and evaluation of online application related to commitment fulfillment; and
  3. Delivery of approval and rejection notifications to the Head of the BKPM.

Environment and forestry licenses which were issued prior to Regulation 6/2020 coming to force will remain valid until their relevant expiration dates.

For further inquiries relating to environment and forestry license issuance, do not hesitate to contact our associate specializing in licensing matters, Mr. Yudho Adi Nugroho ([email protected] or [email protected])

Source : 'More Environment and Forestry Licenses to be Issued by BKPM', Indonesian Legal Brief, 2 March 2020, Accessed 4 March 2020, (www.hukumonline.com).

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