
Recordation of Copyrights and Products with Related Rights Is Now Implementable

Friday, March 20 2020 | INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY

In regards to the issuance of Regulation of the Government No. 16 of 2020 concerning Recordation of Creations and Products with Related Rights ("Regulation 16/2020") as an implementing regulation to Articles 73, 75, 77 and 79 of Law No. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyrights. Essentially, Regulation 16/2020 addresses the following matters:

I. Types of application that can be recorded by the Minister of Law and Human Rights ("Minister"), namely:

  1. Recordation of objects;
  2. Recordation of transfers of rights of recorded objects;
  3. Recordation of amendments to the names and/or addresses of creators, holders of copyrights or holders of related rights;
  4. Withdrawal of recordation applications;
  5. Erasure of records of objects; and
  6. Requests for official minutes of records.

II. Requirements and procedures for recording copyrights and products with related rights. Generally, the procedures of such recording consist of submission of application, examination and announcement.

For further inquiries and assistance relating to recordation of copyrights and its related rights, do not hesitate to contact our associate specializing in intellectual property law, Mr. Kimham Pentakosta ([email protected] or [email protected]).

SourceĀ  : 'Implementing Regulation on the Recordation of Copyrights and Products with Related Rights Finally Introduced', Indonesian Legal Brief, 18 March 2020, Accessed 18 March 2020, (www.hukumonline.com).
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