
Delivering Efficient and Effective Legal Solution

Notary Public and Land Deed Official, Fenny Hudaya Sulistyo, is MS&A’s partner in supporting many of the firm’s corporate transactions. The combination between the two teams have allowed clients to experience an ‘all-in-one’ rounded legal service, delivering effective legal solution for the increasing demand of efficient transaction closing.




Petra University (Bachelor of Economic and Accounting) University of Wijaya Kusuma (Bachelor of Law) University of Airlangga (Master of Notaries)
English Mandarin Indonesia

Fenny Hudaya Sulistyo, S.E., S.H., M.Kn is an Indonesian Notary Public and a Land Deed Official. Fenny Hudaya graduated from Petra Christian University in Economic Accounting science in 2004. She then continued her studies as Bachelor of Law and graduated Cum Laude from the University of Wijaya Kusuma in 2008 and a Cum Laude in Master of Notaries from the University of Airlangga, Surabaya in 2010.

Fenny Hudaya began her legal career under the mentorship of A.V. Chitranadi, S.H., notary public and land deed official in Surabaya who is also the late spouse of MS&A founder, Markus Sajogo. She also gained her experience as an associate and Notary Liaison in Markus Sajogo & Associates and Junior Notary in Notary Winarko, S.H., a notary public and land deed official in Surabaya.

Fenny Hudaya started her own notary office in Gresik Residence in 2011 after being sworn as a Notary Public by the Minister of Law and Human Right of the Republic of Indonesia. She was then sworn by the Head of Indonesian Land Office to become a government official, a Land Deed Official (PPAT – Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah) in the same jurisdiction in 2013. She is well versed in family law (marriage and inheritance law), apartment law, corporate law, banking law, specifically in collateral laws and financial matters. As a Land Deed Official, she focuses in land acquisitions, sales and division of land, as well as certification of lands through National Land Offices (BPN – Badan Pertanahan Nasional). Her clients include banks, financial institutions, leasing companies, and major developers and contractors in Indonesia.

Her previous role in a law firm was significant in assisting domestic and foreign clients in many of the firm’s commercial and international transaction matters, including establishment, mergers, acquisition, and consolidation of companies. It is during her time in the law firm when she earned her knowledge in commercial matters and became well experienced in drafting corporate transaction agreements. Together with her experienced staffs and supporting team of lawyers from MS&A, Fenny Hudaya provides effective and fast acting solution for her growing base of domestic and international clients.

Type of Services

  • Establishment & Dissolution Deeds of :
    • Limited Liability Company
    • Partnership Company
    • Personal Commercial Company
    • Firm
    • Foundation
  • Statement of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Share Holders
  • Statement of Resolution of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Share Holders
  • Minutes of General Meeting of Share Holders
  • Minutes of Amendment on Company’s Constitution and By-Laws
  • Sales & Purchase of Shares
  • Power of Attorney from The Board of Directors
  • Joint Venture Agreement
  • Built Operate Transfer Agreement

  • Credit Agreement
  • Debt Acknowledgement and Grant of Collateral
  • Personal Guarantee
  • Fiduciary Agreement
  • Transfer of Debts
  • Addition of Credit on The Credit Agreement
  • Addition of Credit and Collateral on The Credit Agreement

  • Sales & Purchase of Property
  • Trading Association Contract
  • Authority to Sell
  • Evacuation Agreement
  • Sales & Purchase of Building and Transfer of Rights
  • Leasing Contract
  • Extension of Rent Period
  • Mortgage
  • Letter of Authority to Place Mortgage
  • Exchange of Title
  • Releasing The Right of Land/Property

  • Will
  • Grant of Rights
  • Inheritance Certificate
  • Prenuptial Agreement
  • Reconciliation Agreement
  • Child Acknowledgement
  • Letter of Consent and Authority
  • Debt Acknowledgement